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Address: Super Munchies, Door No 2-154(2), Poomar Padav, Tenkamijar Village, Ashwath Pura Post, Mangalore, India - 574227
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Beyond Snacking

With every mindful bite, our food choices have the power to paint a greener canvas towards a future that cultivates a sustainable harmony between nature and nourishment. The organization moving forward, is working on making the manufacturing facility as green as possible. We rigorously work towards a better tomorrow not only for the business but also for the people working with us and our planet.

Green Initiative

a. ETP Plant on Premises
At Super Munchies, sustainability is at the core of our operations. Our Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) on-site reflects our commitment to responsible manufacturing. By treating and recycling water used in our processes, we significantly reduce our environmental footprint.

b. Compost Pit
Embracing eco-friendly practices, we’ve implemented a compost pit system. Organic waste from our operations is transformed into nutrient-rich compost, contributing to a circular economy and reducing waste sent to landfills.

c. Water Harvesting
Water conservation is key to our ethos. We strive to ensure efficient utilization and minimizing reliance on external resources. Through this, we actively contribute to local water conservation efforts.

Green Initiative

a. ETP Plant on Premises
At Super Munchies, sustainability is at the core of our operations. Our Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) on-site reflects our commitment to responsible manufacturing. By treating and recycling water used in our processes, we significantly reduce our environmental footprint.

b. Compost Pit
Embracing eco-friendly practices, we’ve implemented a compost pit system. Organic waste from our operations is transformed into nutrient-rich compost, contributing to a circular economy and reducing waste sent to landfills.

c. Water Harvesting
Water conservation is key to our ethos. We strive to ensure efficient utilization and minimizing reliance on external resources. Through this, we actively contribute to local water conservation efforts.

Women’s Initiative

At Super Munchies, we believe in empowering our local communities. Nearly 90% of our female workforce within the factory hails from neighbouring areas. By providing them with employment opportunities, we foster economic independence and empowerment among women in our community.

Local Empowerment

a. Suppliers
We prioritize local partnerships, sourcing materials from nearby suppliers. This not only supports local businesses but also ensures quality and freshness in our products.

b. Employees from Surrounding Area
Our commitment to local empowerment extends to our workforce. Many of our employees reside in the surrounding areas, enabling us to create sustainable employment opportunities and contribute to the prosperity of our community.

Local Empowerment

a. Suppliers
We prioritize local partnerships, sourcing materials from nearby suppliers. This not only supports local businesses but also ensures quality and freshness in our products.

b. Employees from Surrounding Area
Our commitment to local empowerment extends to our workforce. Many of our employees reside in the surrounding areas, enabling us to create sustainable employment opportunities and contribute to the prosperity of our community.

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